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How to Make Deep Fried Oreos: A Delicious Treat at Home

Deep-fried Oreos are a decadent dessert that has captured the hearts of food lovers everywhere.

With their crispy, golden exterior and warm, gooey center, they offer a unique twist on the classic Oreo cookie. Originating from the bustling food stalls of American fairs and carnivals, deep-fried Oreos have become a symbol of indulgence, blending the simple pleasure of a cookie with the irresistible appeal of fried dough. Today, these treats have transcended their carnival roots, making their way into kitchens across the world. Whether you’re a fan of Oreos or simply love trying out new desserts, learning how to make deep-fried Oreos at home is a fun and rewarding experience.

The Origins of Deep-Fried Desserts

The tradition of deep-frying foods has a long history, but the concept of deep-fried desserts, particularly in the form of cookies, is relatively recent. Deep-fried Oreos first gained popularity in the early 2000s at county fairs across the United States, particularly in the Southern states where fried foods are a staple. The idea was simple: take a beloved snack, dip it in batter, and fry it until golden and crispy. The result was an instant hit, and deep-fried Oreos quickly became a fairground favorite, standing alongside other indulgent treats like funnel cakes, corn dogs, and deep-fried Twinkies.

As the popularity of deep-fried Oreos grew, they began to appear in various forms at restaurants and food trucks, eventually finding their way into home kitchens. Today, deep-fried Oreos are enjoyed by people of all ages, offering a nostalgic taste of the fairground in the comfort of your own home.

Ingredients You’ll Need

Making deep-fried Oreos at home is easier than you might think. The ingredients are simple, and you likely have most of them in your pantry. Here’s what you’ll need:

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Deep-Fried Oreos

1. Prepare the Batter

Start by preparing the batter for your deep-fried Oreos. In a mixing bowl, combine the pancake mix, egg, milk, and vanilla extract (if using). Whisk the ingredients together until you have a smooth, lump-free batter. The consistency should be slightly thicker than pancake batter, ensuring that it clings well to the Oreos.

If you’d like to add a bit of flavor or color to your batter, now is the time to do so. Some popular variations include adding a tablespoon of cocoa powder for a chocolatey batter, a pinch of cinnamon for warmth, or even a few drops of food coloring for a festive touch.

2. Heat the Oil

Next, pour the vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or deep fryer, filling it with about 2-3 inches of oil. Heat the oil over medium heat until it reaches 350°F (175°C). You can use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature, or if you don’t have one, test the oil by dropping a small amount of batter into the oil. If it sizzles and floats to the surface, the oil is ready.

Be careful not to overheat the oil, as this can cause the Oreos to burn on the outside while remaining undercooked on the inside. Conversely, if the oil is not hot enough, the Oreos will absorb too much oil and become greasy.

3. Dip and Fry the Oreos

Once the oil is at the right temperature, it’s time to start frying. Working in batches, dip each Oreo into the batter, making sure it’s fully coated. Use a fork or tongs to carefully lower the coated Oreo into the hot oil.

Fry the Oreos for about 1-2 minutes per side, or until they are golden brown. They should puff up slightly as they cook, forming a crispy outer layer while the cookie inside becomes soft and warm. Be sure to keep an eye on them, as they can go from perfectly golden to burnt in a matter of seconds.

Use a slotted spoon or tongs to remove the fried Oreos from the oil, and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil.

4. Dust with Powdered Sugar

While the Oreos are still warm, dust them generously with powdered sugar. This not only adds sweetness but also gives the Oreos a beautiful, snow-dusted appearance.

Tips for Perfect Deep-Fried Oreos

Variations on the Classic Recipe

While the classic deep-fried Oreo is delicious on its own, there are plenty of ways to customize the recipe to suit your tastes. Here are a few fun variations to try:

Nutritional Content: A Treat in Moderation

Deep-fried Oreos are undeniably delicious, but they are also an indulgent treat. It’s important to be aware of the nutritional content, especially if you’re watching your calorie intake.

A single deep-fried Oreo typically contains around 100-150 calories, depending on the size and ingredients used. This includes the calories from the Oreo cookie itself, the batter, and the oil absorbed during frying. While they’re not exactly a health food, deep-fried Oreos can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

If you’re concerned about the calorie content, consider sharing a batch with friends or family. You can also make smaller, bite-sized versions using mini Oreos, which will have fewer calories per serving.

The Rise of Deep-Fried Desserts: A Carnival Classic

Deep-fried desserts have long been a staple of American fairs and carnivals, offering visitors a chance to indulge in something sweet, crispy, and slightly outrageous. From deep-fried Twinkies to funnel cakes, these treats are often associated with a sense of nostalgia and fun, evoking memories of summer days spent at the fair.

The trend of deep-frying foods likely dates back to the early 20th century, when vendors at state fairs began experimenting with frying everything from candy bars to ice cream. The novelty of deep-fried desserts quickly caught on, and today, you’ll find a wide variety of fried treats at fairs and festivals across the country.

Deep-fried Oreos, in particular, became a sensation in the early 2000s, thanks to their unique combination of familiar flavors and textures. The success of deep-fried Oreos has inspired countless other deep-fried creations, including deep-fried cookie dough, cheesecake, and even bacon.

In recent years, the trend has expanded beyond the fairgrounds, with deep-fried desserts becoming popular in restaurants, food trucks, and home kitchens. The appeal lies in their indulgent nature—deep-fried desserts are the ultimate comfort food, offering a delicious escape from the ordinary.

Serving Suggestions

Deep-fried Oreos are delicious on their own, but they can also be served with a variety of accompaniments to enhance the experience. Here are a few serving suggestions to try:

Why Make Deep-Fried Oreos at Home?

Making deep-fried Oreos at home is not only fun, but it also allows you to enjoy this carnival classic any time you like, without having to wait for the next fair or festival. Here are a few reasons why you should try making them at home:


Deep-fried Oreos are a delicious and indulgent treat that has become a beloved part of American food culture. Whether you’re a fan of carnival fare or just looking for a fun and easy dessert to make at home, deep-fried Oreos are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

By following this detailed guide, you can make perfect deep-fried Oreos every time. With their crispy exterior, warm and gooey center, and dusting of powdered sugar, they’re a treat that’s hard to resist.

So why not give it a try? Gather your ingredients, heat up the oil, and start frying. Whether you’re making them for a party, a family gathering, or just because, deep-fried Oreos are a delicious way to bring a taste of the carnival into your home.

And if you love deep-fried desserts, consider trying other recipes like deep-fried Twinkies, funnel cakes, or even deep-fried cookie dough. The possibilities are endless, and each one is sure to be a hit with friends and family.

Try It Out!

Now that you know how to make deep-fried Oreos, it’s time to put your skills to the test. Gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and treat yourself to this delicious dessert. And don’t forget to share your creations with us! We’d love to see your deep-fried Oreo masterpieces.

If you enjoyed this recipe, be sure to check out our other dessert recipes, like homemade funnel cakes, deep-fried cookie dough, and more. Happy frying!

10 funny facts about deep-fried Oreos:

  1. Carnival Chaos: They were originally invented as a wacky carnival snack to see just how far people would go in their love for fried foods. Spoiler alert: people loved it!
  2. Oreo Spa Treatment: Before getting their crispy golden coat, Oreos get a batter “spa treatment,” where they’re gently dipped and coated—kind of like a luxurious day at the spa, but for cookies.
  3. Melty Center Surprise: Ever bitten into a deep-fried Oreo and thought you’d discovered the cookie version of molten lava cake? That’s the melted cream filling saying hello!
  4. Frankenstein Dessert: they are the “Frankenstein” of desserts—a cookie transformed into a delicious monster that no one saw coming.
  5. Instant Popularity: Despite their humble beginnings, they skyrocketed in popularity faster than a cat video on the internet.
  6. Crisis Averted: When they were first served at fairs, many people worried they might be too indulgent. But then, they tasted them, and all was forgiven.
  7. Secret Identity: On the outside, a deep-fried Oreo looks like a regular doughnut hole, but one bite reveals its true Oreo identity!
  8. Food Coma Initiator: Deep-fried Oreos are notorious for initiating food comas. Eat a couple, and you might find yourself napping on the nearest couch.
  9. Social Media Star: Deep-fried Oreos are so photogenic that they’ve become Instagram celebrities, often outshining other desserts in terms of likes and comments.
  10. Unlikely Match: Deep-fried Oreos are proof that even the strangest combinations can turn out amazing. Who knew that frying a cookie could lead to such culinary brilliance?
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